The potato patch is doing nicely. Old wives tale says that if the tops are doing well, then the roots are not. This photo is from a couple of weeks ago and the tops are beginning to lay over and die. An indication that the potatoes are ready. We dug a bit in row number four and were finding only about one large potato and one small potato per plant. Row number three had a few extra, but if we get a potato per plant, I suppose that will be a lot of potatoes from our four rows. There are around six rows showing in the above photo, two of which belong to my brother.
The potatoes we dug were very large, some were bigger than my fist and some were small. We plan on making a cellar type storage bin by digging a hole and placing a garbage can in it and layering the potatoes with hay. I hope it works well. The small ones, we will probably just can.

Hope you enjoy the photos. I will update more later. I can't wait to share the salsa/tomato photos with you. I am afraid we are eating the salsa as soon as it comes out of the canners. Tell you more later.
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