Last fall, I planted some things in a raised bed that basically went to seed. I also traded some seeds with different people and one thing I got was Chinese Cabbage. I planted a few seedlings and then transplanted them in the raised bed. I checked the raised bed and found these little guys that were about the size of a golf ball. Thinking it was the Chinese cabbage, I transplanted them to the garden and they shot up. The largest is the size of a basket ball. There are four of them and a large one (pictured above) and a small one (about the size of a cantaloupe) have gone to seed. (See the yellow blooms.)
So, I am confused as to what these are? If it is the Chinese Cabbage, they are biennial and I shouldn't be seeing seeds or flowers this year??? I am new at gardening. Can someone help me identify these and give me advice on growing and using them.
Thanks so much.
Biennial means it lives two years; the second one produces the seeds. I'd guess you're looking at second-year Chinese cabbage. It's certainly a crucifer of some sort.