Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bug Out Vehicle - Our Pop-Up Camper

Preparedness Bascis - Bug Out Vehicle

One of my readers suggested using a camper to evacuate in an emergency.  This is something that we have considered and we uploaded this video on our Youtube channel a couple of months ago.  This is our bug out camper. 

We have used it to camp and would suggest that if anyone plans to use a camper for a bug out vehicle that you camp in it so you can be familiar with it, how it works, how to set it up and what you will need.  A test run will let you know if this is the route you want to go. 

I will tell you that a pop up is a bit of hard work to put up, so this option, while compact, may not be the best option.  So, research and choose your camper wisely.  We have had this one for ten years and the older we get, the more difficult it becomes to set up.  However, it still suits us fine.

Please share your thoughts, suggestions and experiences.

For more videos, visit my Youtube channel here.

Thanks Red Rock for your idea.

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